











Key Terms

English Chinese English Chinese English Chinese
Proposition 命题 Propositional variable 命题变量 Truth value 真值
Negation 否定 Logical operators 逻辑运算符 Compound proposition 复合命题
Truth table 真值表 Disjunction 析取 Conjunction 合取
Exclusive or 异或 Implication 蕴含 Converse
Contrapositive 逆否 Inverse Biconditional 双蕴含
Tautology 永真式 Contingency 可能 Logically equivalent 逻辑等价
Predicate 谓词 Propositional function 命题函数 Domain of discourse 论域
Existential quantifier 存在量词 Universal quantifier 全称量词 Free variable 自由变元
Bound variable 约束变量 Scope of a quantifier 量词的作用域 Argument 参数
Argument form 参数形式 Premise 条件 Conclusion 结论
Valid argument form 合法参数形式 Rule of inference 推理规则 Fallacy 谬误
even 偶数 odd 奇数


Proposition and Logic

Propositional Logic


A proposition is a declarative sentence that is either true or false.

The proposition that is always true is denoted by $T$ and the proposition that is always false is denoted by $F$ .

Propositional Variables: $p,q,r,s\dots$


Compound Propositions is constructed from logical connectives and other propositions.


The negation of a proposition $p$ is denoted by $\neg p$ and the truth table is as follow:

$p$ $\neg p$
$T$ $F$
$F$ $T$

The conjunction of propositions $p$ and $q$ is denoted by $p \wedge q$ and the truth table is as follow:

$p$ $q$ $p \wedge q$
$T$ $T$ $T$
$T$ $F$ $F$
$F$ $T$ $F$
$F$ $F$ $F$
Inclusive Or

The disjunction of propositions $p$ and $q$ is denoted by $p \vee q$ and the truth table is as follow:

$p$ $q$ $p \vee q$
$T$ $T$ $T$
$T$ $F$ $T$
$F$ $T$ $T$
$F$ $F$ $F$
Exclusive Or (Xor)

The exclusive Or of propositions $p$ and $q$ is denoted by $p \oplus q$ and the truth table is as follow:

$p$ $q$ $p \vee q$
$T$ $T$ $F$
$T$ $F$ $T$
$F$ $T$ $T$
$F$ $F$ $F$

The implication of propositions $p$ and $q$ is denoted by $p \rightarrow q$ which is read as “if $p$ , then $q$ “and the truth table is as follow:

$p$ $q$ $p \rightarrow q$
$T$ $T$ $T$
$T$ $F$ $F$
$F$ $T$ $T$
$F$ $F$ $T$

More ways to express $p \rightarrow q$:

  • if $p$ , then $q$ or if $p$ , $q$
  • $q$ unless $\neg p$
  • $q$ if $p$ or $p$ only if $q$
  • $p$ implies $q$
  • $q$ follows from $p$
  • $q$ whenever $p$ or $q$ when $p$
  • $q$ is necessary for $p$ or $p$ is sufficient for $q$

$\neg q \rightarrow \neg p$ is the contrapositive of $p \rightarrow q$


$\neg p \rightarrow\neg q$ is the inverse of $p \rightarrow q$


$q \rightarrow p$ is the converse of $p \rightarrow q$


The biconditional of propositions $p$ and $q$ is denoted by $p \leftrightarrow q$ which is read as “$p$ if and only if $q$ “and the truth table is as follow:

$p$ $q$ $p \leftrightarrow q$
$T$ $T$ $T$
$T$ $F$ $F$
$F$ $T$ $F$
$F$ $F$ $T$

More ways to express $p \leftrightarrow q$:

  • $p$ is necessary and sufficient for $q$
  • if $p$ then $q$ , and conversely
  • $p$ iff $q$

**The precedence of logical connectives: **

$\neg >\wedge > \vee > \rightarrow > \leftrightarrow$

Propositional Equivalences

Tautologies,Contradictions, and Contingencies


A tautology is a proposition which is always true.

For example: $p \vee \neg p$


A contradiction is a proposition which is always false.

For example:$p \wedge \neg p$


A contingency is a proposition which is neither a tautology nor a contradiction.

For example: $p$

Logical Equivalences

We say two compound propositions $p$ and $q$ are logically equivalent if $p\leftrightarrow q$ is a tautology or they have the same truth table.

We write this as $p \Leftrightarrow q$ or as $p\equiv q$ where $p$ and $q$ are compound propositions

Important Logical Equivalences
De Morgan’s Law

First Law: $\neg(p\wedge q)\equiv \neg p \vee \neg q$

Second Law: $\neg(p\vee q)\equiv \neg p \wedge\neg q$

Identity Laws

$p\wedge T\equiv p$ , $p\vee F\equiv p$

Domination Laws

$p\vee T\equiv T$ , $p\wedge F\equiv F$

Idempotent Laws

$p\wedge p\equiv p$ , $p\vee p\equiv p$

Double Negation Laws

$\neg(\neg p)\equiv p$

Negation Laws

$p\wedge \neg p \equiv F$ , $p\vee \neg p\equiv T$

Commutative Laws

$p\vee q\equiv q\vee p$ , $p\wedge q\equiv q\wedge p$

Associative Laws

$(p\wedge q)\wedge r\equiv q\wedge (p \wedge r)$ , $$(p\vee q)\vee r\equiv q\vee (p \vee r)$$

Distributive Laws

$(p\vee(q\wedge r))\equiv(p\vee q)\wedge(p\vee r)$ , $(p\wedge(q\vee r))\equiv(p\wedge q)\vee(p\wedge r)$

Absorption Laws

$p\vee(p\wedge q)\equiv p$ , $p\wedge(p\vee q)\equiv p$

More Logical Equivalences

$p\rightarrow q\equiv\neg p \vee q$

$p\leftrightarrow q \equiv (p\wedge q)\vee(\neg p\wedge\neg q)$

Normal Forms (Not So Important)

Disjunctive Normal Form

A compound proposition is Disjunctive Normal Form (DNF) if it is a disjunction of conjunctions.

Conjunctive Normal Form

A compound proposition is Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF) if it is a conjunction of disjunctions.

Propositional Satisfiability

A compound proposition is satisfiable if there is an assignment of truth values to its variables that make it true. When no such assignments exist, the compound proposition is unsatisfiable. That mean a compound proposition is unsatisfiable iff it is a contingency.

Applications of Propositional Logic

Translating English Sentences

A list of propositions is consistent if there is an assignment of truth values to its variables that make all of them true. When no such assignments exist, the list of propositions is inconsistent.

Logic Puzzles

Use Propositional Satisfiability to get the solution.

Logic Circuits

0 for False

1for True

Predicate Logic

Introducing Predicate Logic

Predicates : $P(x),M(x)$

Variables : $x,y,z$

Quantifiers : $\forall \quad \exists$

Propositional functions

Propositional functions are a generalization of propositions.

Variables can be replaced by elements from their domain.

Propositional functions become propositions when their variables are each replaced by a value from the domain.

The domain is often denoted by $U$.

Universal Quantifier

for all , $\forall$

$\forall x P(x)$ asserts $P(x)$ is true for every $x$ in the domain.

means conjunction.

Existential Quantifier

for some , $\exist$

$\exist x P(x)$ asserts $P(x)$ is true for some $x$ in the domain.

means disjunction.

Uniqueness Quantifier

for one and only one , $\exist !$

$\exist !x P(x)$ asserts $P(x)$ is true for one and only one $x$ in the domain.

The uniqueness quantifier can be expressed as: $\exist x (P(x) \wedge \forall y (P(y)\rightarrow y = x))$

Quantifiers with Restricted Domains

The restriction of a universal quantification is the same as the universal quantification of a conditional statement.

e.g. $\forall x < 0 (x^2>0)$ is the same as $\forall x (x<0\rightarrow x^2 >0)$

The restriction of an existential quantification is the same as the universal quantification of a conjunction.

e.g. $\exist z>0(z^3=2)$ is the same as $\exist z(z>0\wedge z^2 = 2)$

Precedence of Quantifiers

The quantifiers $\forall$ and $ \exist$ have higher precedence than all the logical operators.

Equivalences in Predicate Logic

Statements involving predicates and quantifiers are logically equivalent iff they have the same truth value.

De Morgan’s Laws for quantifiers

$\neg\forall x P(x) \equiv \exist x\neg P(x)$

$\neg\exist x P(x) \equiv \forall x\neg P(x)$

Translating English to Logic

Notice the domain !

Nested Quantifiers

Nested quantifiers are quantifiers where one quantifier is within the scope of another.

The order of the quantifiers is important , unless all the quantifiers are the same.

Rules of Inference

Valid Arguments

All but the final proposition are called premises. The last statement is the conclusion.

We can express the premises and the conclusion in predicate logic as an argument.

The argument is valid if the premises imply the conclusion.

if the premises are $p_1 , p_2 ,\dots,p_n$ and the conclusion is $q$ ,then $(p_1 \wedge p_2 \wedge\dots\wedge p_n)\rightarrow q$ is a tautology.

Rules of Inference for Propositional Logic

Modus Ponens

&p \rightarrow q \
&p \
&\therefore q \

Corresponding Tautology : $(p\wedge(p\rightarrow q))\rightarrow q$

Modus Tollens

&p \rightarrow q \
&\neg q \
&\therefore\neg p \

Corresponding Tautology : $(\neg q\wedge(p\rightarrow q))\rightarrow \neg p$

Hypothetical Syllogism

&p \rightarrow q \
&q \rightarrow r \
&\therefore p \rightarrow r \

Corresponding Tautology : $((p \rightarrow q)\wedge(q \rightarrow r))\rightarrow (p \rightarrow r)$

Disjunctive Syllogism

&p \vee q \
&\neg p \
&\therefore q \

Corresponding Tautology : $(\neg p \wedge(p \vee q))\rightarrow q$


&p \
&\therefore p \vee q \

Corresponding Tautology : $(p\rightarrow (p \vee q)$


&p \wedge q \
&\therefore p \

Corresponding Tautology : $(p \wedge q)\rightarrow p $


&p \
&q \
&\therefore p \wedge q \

Corresponding Tautology : $((p)\wedge(q))\rightarrow (p \wedge q)$


&\neg p \vee r\
&p\vee q \
&\therefore q \vee r \

Corresponding Tautology : $((\neg p \vee r)\wedge(p\vee q))\rightarrow (q \vee r)$

Rules of Inference for Quantified Statements

Universal Instantiation

&\forall xP(x) \
&\therefore P(c) \

Universal Generalization

&P(c) \text{ for an arbitrary } c \
&\therefore \forall xP(x) \

Universal Modus Ponens

&\forall x(P(x)\rightarrow Q(x)) \
&P(a) \text{ where $a$ is a particular element in the domain } \
&\therefore Q(a) \

Existential Instantiation

&\exist xP(x) \
&\therefore P(c) \text{ for some element } c \

Existential Generalization

&P(c) \text{ for some element } c \
&\therefore \exist xP(x) \

Common fallacies

Fallacy of affirmative conclusion

$((p\rightarrow q)\wedge q)\rightarrow p$

Fallacy of negative hypothesis

$((p\rightarrow q)\wedge \neg p)\rightarrow \neg q$

文章作者: hobee
文章链接: https://hobeedzc.github.io/2020/05/11/%E7%A6%BB%E6%95%A3%E6%95%B0%E5%AD%A6%E6%95%B4%E7%90%86%EF%BC%88%E4%B8%80%EF%BC%89-%20%E5%91%BD%E9%A2%98%E4%B8%8E%E9%80%BB%E8%BE%91/
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